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NOVATEN® avoids the use of an external fixator or the need for arthrodesis.

Tendon ruptures are difficult to treat, requiring rigid immobilization and most often the use of an external fixator or calcaneo-tibial screw in the hope for adequate tendon healing.

This technique allows a simple and rapid reconstruction of the Achilles tendon. Biomechanical studies have demonstrated sufficient strength so that rigid immobilization is not required postoperatively. A Robert Jones or a splint for 4 to 6 weeks is sufficient to limit any excess activity.

Developed in partnership with:

École Vétérinaire de Lyon

Dr Philippe Buttin

3D Video


Our technique

Achille 2021


When a tendon rupture is associated with an open wound, which is the recommended procedure?

When a tendon rupture is associated with an open wound, the risk of infection is higher. A swab of the wound should be taken for bacteriological analysis before starting the appropriate antibiotic treatment. Surgery with an artificial tendon should only be performed if the wound is healthy. A new bacteriological analysis is recommended during surgery.

Thanks to the NOVATEN® synthetic tendon, muscle retraction is no longer an issue. The prosthesis will connect the two tendon ends, giving you the time to treat the wound beforehand.

In the event of persistent infection, the presence of an artificial implant becomes problematic. In our experience, implants can be removed after 3-4 months of healing, and in most cases, tendon healing allows satisfactory functional recovery.

Can chronic ruptures with extensive muscle retraction be treated with NOVATEN®?

It is perfectly possible to treat chronic rupture. However, it is generally associated with significant muscular contraction, which makes it difficult to reattach the two tendon ends. NOVATEN® is particularly useful in such cases, to bridge the gap between the proximal and the distal ends of the tendon. The progressive postoperative muscular relaxation should be anticipated to adjust the tension carefully during the procedure. We recommend applying overtension to anticipate muscle relaxation. It is also possible to use self-grafting techniques to fill the gap in the artificial tendon (fascia lata…).

What type of stitches should I use to suture the tendon part of the prosthesis?

An 8-stitch FiberTech suture has been shown to provide sufficient strength. A cross-stitch suture theoretically provides superior strength.

A continuous FiberTech suture with regular single knots offers optimum strength. It is therefore the recommended type of stitching when using NOVATEN®.

B. Goin, P. Buttin, T. Cachon & E. Viguier (2020) Biomechanical comparison of two suturing techniques during Achilles tendinoplasty in dogs: preliminary results, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 23:sup1, S128-S129, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2020.1816299

What type of postoperative immobilization is recommended?

The NOVATEN® technique does not require rigid restraint. The use of an external fixator is neither recommended nor necessary.

A Robert Jones bandage or a splint may be useful in the first few weeks, to avoid excessive stress on the operated limb.

Novetech Academy

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