09 Sep 2019 Testimonial–Kaal
6-year-old male Doberman
I am a student at the University of Aix Marseille and I have had a Doberman named Kaal for almost two years.
I crossed his path by chance while volunteering at the “Refuge de L’Espoir” in Mougins (06). That Monday it was cold, very cold … He was at the back of the kennel so as not to scare the newcomers with his impressive presence. I saw his pointed ears from afar and was immediately drawn to him.
I learned about his past life, he had been abandoned twice in 4 years…
Both wanting to be loved, we naturally adopted each other.
February 12th, 2019
In between working for my exams and walking him, I noticed that for a few days he had been hesitating to climb on the couch, always choosing the right rear leg to pull himself up.
So I went to see a vet in Marseille who diagnosed a rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the left hind limb, recommending surgery by a vet specialized in orthopedic surgery.
February 19th, 2019
An x-ray was performed at the Lyon Veterinary School in addition to the clinical examination to confirm the diagnosis. A surgical intervention was decided to treat the rupture.
February 20th, 2019
The surgeon who operated on Kaal suggested that I try a prototype immediately after the operation, a cryocompressive splint. The splint was to be placed for 10 minutes, 3 times a day for 7 days on the operated limb.
I followed the surgeon’s advice. At first, Kaal was not reassured that I would place this splint on the very area that was so painful…
However, after the first day, I realized that my dog enjoyed these 10 minutes. Once the splint was on, he would immediately go to sleep without trying to remove it or even touch it.
Thanks to the splint, the swelling caused by the surgery subsided very quickly and Kaal was soon back in the mood to play with me.
March 12th, 2019
Kaal still suffered from residual lameness of the operated limb. An ultrasound revealed quadriceps tendonitis secondary to the surgical procedure. The surgeon recommended continuing to use the cryotherapy splint in the same way, but for 3 weeks this time.
15 days later, Kaal was no longer limping.
Thank you to the veterinarians, the nursing staff and to Novetech Surgery for Kaal’s newfound well-being and comfort.